Maintenance Automated Check

Discussion on this check can be found here.


  1. The ontology should be regularly updated.


Make sure all content in your ontology is up-to-date with scientific literature. If you make regular changes, make sure to have regular releases.


A version IRI is retrieved from the ontology, either using OWL API or parsing RDF/XML for large ontologies. This version IRI is checked against a regex pattern to determine if it is in date format. If so, the date is retrieved. If the last version IRI date is older than three years, this is an error. If it is older than two years, this is a warning. If it is older than one year, this will be an info message.

import datetime
import re

import dash_utils
from dash_utils import format_msg

# version IRI pattern
vpat = r'http:\/\/purl\.obolibrary\.org/obo/.*/([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})/.*'

# violation message
old_version_msg = 'last version ({0}) is over {1} year(s) old'

def is_maintained(ontology):
   """Check fp 16 - maintenance.

   This method uses OWL API to retrieve the version IRI.

       ontology (OWLOntology): ontology object

       PASS, INFO, WARN, or ERROR with optional help message
   if ontology is None:
       return {'status': 'ERROR', 'comment': 'Unable to load ontology'}

   version_iri = ontology.getOntologyID().getVersionIRI().orNull()

   if version_iri:
       return check_version_iri(version_iri.toString())

   # no version IRI (is Null)
   return {'status': 'ERROR', 'comment': 'Missing version IRI to check date'}

def big_is_maintained(file):
   """Check fp 16 - maintenance - on large ontologies.

   This is suitible for large ontologies as it reads the file line by line,
   instead of loading an OWLOntology object. This method looks for the
   owl:versionIRI property in the header.

       file (str): path to ontology file

       PASS, INFO, WARN, or ERROR with optional help message
   # may return empty string if version IRI is missing
   # or None if ontology cannot be parsed
   version_iri = dash_utils.get_big_version_iri(file)

   if version_iri and version_iri != '':
       return check_version_iri(version_iri)
   elif version_iri == '':
       # no version IRI to check
       return {'status': 'INFO',
               'comment': 'Missing version IRI to check date'}
       # ontology was in bad format
       return {'status': 'INFO', 'comment': 'Unable to parse ontology'}

def check_version_iri(version_iri):
   """Check if the version IRI is in date format then check when the version
   IRI was last updated.

       version_iri (str): version IRI from ontology header

       PASS, INFO, WARN, or ERROR with optional help message
   # serach for date in version IRI using regex pattern
   search =, version_iri)
   if search:
       date =
       splits = date.split('-')
       version_date = datetime.datetime(
           int(splits[0]), int(splits[1]), int(splits[2]))

       # Dropping the severity to 2 years old as WARN decided on the 2023-07-25 OFOC call
       # Check issue

       # check 2 years (warn)
       two_years_ago = \
           - datetime.timedelta(days=2*365)
       if version_date < two_years_ago:
           return {'status': 'WARN',
                   'comment': old_version_msg.format(date, 'two')}

       # check 1 year (info)
       one_year_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=365)
       if version_date < one_year_ago:
           return {'status': 'INFO',
                   'comment': old_version_msg.format(date, 'one')}

       # has valid version IRI and it has been updated within the past year
       return {'status': 'PASS'}
       # version IRI is not in the expected date format
       return {'status': 'INFO',
               'comment': 'Version IRI does not have date information'}