Relations Automated Check
- Overview
- Open (principle 1)
- Common Format (principle 2)
- URI/Identifier Space (principle 3)
- Versioning (principle 4)
- Scope (principle 5)
- Textual Definitions (principle 6)
- Relations (principle 7)
- Documentation (principle 8)
- Documented Plurality of Users (principle 9)
- Commitment To Collaboration (principle 10)
- Locus of Authority (principle 11)
- Naming Conventions (principle 12)
- Notification of Changes (principle 13)
- Maintenance (principle 16)
- Responsiveness (principle 20)
This page is generated via
_layouts/check.html. See edit guide
Relations Automated Check
Discussion on this check can be found here.
- The ontology must not duplicate existing RO properties.
- The ontology should use existing RO properties, rather than creating new properties.
Duplicated Properties
- Add an
annotation with a boolean value oftrue
to the problematic property in your ontology - Add
to the beginning of the property’s label - Replace all usages of that property with the duplicated RO property
Non-RO Properties
Review your non-RO properties to see if any can be replaced with an RO property using the steps above. Often, a corresponding property will not exist in RO and that is OK.
The object and data properties from the ontology are compared to existing RO properties. If any labels match existing RO properties, but do not use the correct RO IRI, this is an error. Any non-RO properties (no label match and do not use an RO IRI) will be listed as INFO messages.
import csv
import os
import unicodedata
from io import TextIOWrapper
import dash_utils
owl_deprecated = ''
# Violation messages
ro_match = '{0} labels match RO labels.'
non_ro = '{0} non-RO properties used.'
def has_valid_relations(namespace, ontology, ro_props, ontology_dir):
"""Check fp 7 - relations.
Retrieve all non-obsolete properties from the ontology. Compare their
labels and IRIs to the RO labels and IRIs. If a label matches an RO
property but does not match an RO IRI, return ERROR; RO properties should
not be duplicated. If a label matches neither an RO property or RO IRI,
return INFO; it is recommended to use RO properties, but not required. If
all properties used are RO properties, return PASS.
namespace (str): ontology ID
ontology (OWLOntology): ontology object
ro_props (dict): map of RO property label to IRI
ontology_dir (str):
PASS or violation level with optional help message
if ontology is None:
dash_utils.write_empty(os.path.join(ontology_dir, 'fp7.tsv'), ["IRI", "Label", "Issue"])
return {'status': 'ERROR', 'comment': 'Unable to load ontology'}
# ignore RO
if namespace == 'ro':
dash_utils.write_empty(os.path.join(ontology_dir, 'fp7.tsv'), ["IRI", "Label", "Issue"])
return {'status': 'PASS'}
props = get_properties(ontology)
# get results (PASS, INFO, or ERROR)
return check_properties(props, ro_props, ontology_dir)
def get_ro_properties(ro_file):
:param TextIOWrapper ro_file: CSV file containing RO IRIs and labels
:return: dict of label to property IRI
ro_props = {}
reader = csv.reader(ro_file, delimiter=',')
# Skip headers
for row in reader:
iri = row[0]
label = normalize_label(row[1])
ro_props[label] = iri
return ro_props
def get_properties(ontology):
"""Create a map of normalized property label to property IRI.
ontology (OWLOntology): ontology object
Dict of label to property IRI
props = {}
# get object properties
for op in ontology.getObjectPropertiesInSignature():
op_iri = op.getIRI()
obsolete = False
normal = None
for ann in ontology.getAnnotationAssertionAxioms(op_iri):
# find the label
ann_prop = ann.getProperty()
if ann_prop.isLabel():
val = ann.getValue().asLiteral().orNull()
clz = val.getClass().getSimpleName().lower()
if clz == 'owlliteralimplstring':
# string datatype, get the literal value
normal = normalize_label(val.getLiteral())
elif val is not None:
normal = normalize_label(val.toString())
elif ann_prop.getIRI().toString() == owl_deprecated:
# check if the property is obsolete
obsolete = dash_utils.is_obsolete(ann)
if normal is not None and not obsolete:
props[normal] = op_iri.toString()
# get data properties
for dp in ontology.getDataPropertiesInSignature():
dp_iri = dp.getIRI()
obsolete = False
normal = None
for ann in ontology.getAnnotationAssertionAxioms(dp_iri):
ann_prop = ann.getProperty()
if ann_prop.isLabel():
# find the label
val = ann.getValue().asLiteral().orNull()
clz = val.getClass().getSimpleName().lower()
if clz == 'owlliteralimplstring':
# string datatype, get the literal value
normal = normalize_label(val.getLiteral())
elif val is not None:
normal = normalize_label(val.toString())
elif ann_prop.getIRI().toString() == owl_deprecated:
# check if the property is obsolete
obsolete = dash_utils.is_obsolete(ann)
if normal is not None and not obsolete:
props[normal] = dp_iri.toString()
return props
def big_has_valid_relations(namespace, file, ro_props, ontology_dir):
"""Check fp 7 - relations - on large ontologies.
Retrieve all non-obsolete properties from the ontology. Compare their
labels and IRIs to the RO labels and IRIs. If a label matches an RO
property but does not match an RO IRI, return ERROR; RO properties should
not be duplicated. If a label matches neither an RO property or RO IRI,
return INFO; it is recommended to use RO properties, but not required. If
all properties used are RO properties, return PASS.
namespace (str): ontology ID
file (str): path to ontology file
ro_props (dict): map of RO property label to IRI
ontology_dir (str):
PASS or violation level with optional help message
if not os.path.isfile(file):
dash_utils.write_empty(os.path.join(ontology_dir, 'fp7.tsv'), ["IRI","Label","Issue"])
return {'status': 'ERROR', 'comment': 'Unable to find ontology file'}
# ignore RO
if namespace == 'ro':
dash_utils.write_empty(os.path.join(ontology_dir, 'fp7.tsv'), ["IRI","Label","Issue"])
return {'status': 'PASS'}
props = big_get_properties(file)
# get results (PASS, INFO, or ERROR)
return check_properties(props, ro_props, ontology_dir)
def big_get_properties(file):
"""Create a map of normalized property label to property IRI for large
ontologies by parsing RDF/XML.
file (str): path to ontology file
Dict of label to property IRI
# TODO: handle different prefixes
props = {}
with open(file, 'r') as f:
p_iri = None
for line in f:
if 'owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about' in line:
p_iri = dash_utils.get_resource_value(line)
except Exception:
print('Unable to get IRI from line: ' + line)
elif p_iri and 'rdfs:label' in line:
label = dash_utils.get_literal_value(line)
normal = normalize_label(label)
props[normal] = p_iri
except Exception:
# continue on to the next line
# might be a line break between (like RNAO)
print('Unable to get label from line: ' + line)
elif p_iri and 'owl:ObjectProperty' in line:
p_iri = None
elif 'owl:Class' in line:
return props
def normalize_label(s):
"""Clean and normalize a string label for comparison.
s (str): label to normalize
normalized string label
clean = s.strip().lower().replace('"', '').replace('@en', '')
return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', clean)
def check_properties(props, ro_props, ontology_dir):
"""Compare the properties from an ontology to the RO properties.
props (dict): map of ontology property label to IRI
ro_props (dict): map of RO property label to IRI
ontology_dir (str):
PASS or violation level with optional help message
# properties that share an RO label
# but have a different IRI
same_label = {}
# properties that do not have an RO IRI
# and do not share a label with an RO prop
not_ro = {}
for label, iri in props.items():
label_match = False
iri_match = False
if label in ro_props.keys():
label_match = True
if iri in ro_props.values():
iri_match = True
if label_match and not iri_match:
ro_iri = ro_props[label]
if iri != ro_iri:
same_label[iri] = label
elif not label_match and not iri_match:
not_ro[iri] = label
# delete the property map to free up memory
del props
# save a report file (maybe empty)
save_invalid_relations(ro_props, same_label, not_ro, ontology_dir)
# return the results
if len(same_label) > 0 and len(not_ro) > 0:
return {'status': 'ERROR',
'file': 'fp7',
'comment': ' '.join([ro_match.format(len(same_label)),
elif len(same_label) > 0 and len(not_ro) == 0:
return {'status': 'ERROR',
'file': 'fp7',
'comment': ro_match.format(len(same_label))}
elif len(not_ro) > 0 and len(same_label) == 0:
return {'status': 'INFO',
'file': 'fp7',
'comment': non_ro.format(len(not_ro))}
return {'status': 'PASS'}
def save_invalid_relations(ro_props, same_label, not_ro, ontology_dir):
"""Save any violations to a TSV file in the reports directory.
ro_props (dict): map of RO property label to IRI
same_label (dict): map of property label to IRI that matches RO
property label with a different IRI
not_ro (dict): map of property label to IRI that does not have an RO
ontology_dir (str):
file = os.path.join(ontology_dir, 'fp7.tsv')
with open(file, 'w+') as f:
for iri, label in same_label.items():
ro_iri = ro_props[label]
f.write('{0}\t{1}\tshares label with {2}\n'.format(
iri, label, ro_iri))
for iri, label in not_ro.items():
f.write('{0}\t{1}\tnot an RO property\n'.format(iri, label))