URI Automated Check

Discussion on this check can be found here.


  1. All entities in the ontology namespace must use an underscore to separate the namespace and local ID.
  2. The local ID should not be semantically significant, and should be numeric.


Edit problematic IRIs to resolve the problems. Click here for details on editing an IRI in Protégé.

The full OBO Foundry ID Policy can be found here. In short, all IRIs should begin with your unique OBO Foundry namespace (e.g., http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_). The local ID, which comes after the unique namespace, should be numeric (e.g., http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0000001). We recommend using seven digits.

Updating an IRI

  1. Add an owl:deprecated annotation with a boolean value of true to the problematic term
  2. Add obsolete to the beginning of the term’s label to prevent duplicating labels
  3. Create a new term with a valid IRI to replace this old term
  4. Copy the old annotations (label, definition, etc., excluding the owl:deprecated) over to the new term
  5. Add a IAO:0100001 (term replaced by) annotation to the old term with a value of the new term’s IRI
    • Make sure this is an IRI annotation by selecting “IRI Editor” when adding the annotation in Protégé


All entity IRIs are retrieved from the ontology, excluding annotation properties. Annotation properties may use hashtags and words due to legacy OBO conversions for subset properties. All other IRIs are checked if they are in the ontology’s namespace. If the IRI begins with the ontology namespace, the next character must be an underscore. If not, this is an error. The IRI is also compared to a regex pattern to check if the local ID after the underscore is numeric. If not, this is a warning.

import os
import re

import dash_utils

iri_pattern = r'http:\/\/purl\.obolibrary\.org\/obo\/%s_[0-9]{1,9}'
owl_deprecated = 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#deprecated'

error_msg = '{} invalid IRIs. The Ontology IRI is {}valid.'
warn_msg = '{0} warnings on IRIs'

def has_valid_uris(robot_gateway, namespace, ontology, ontology_dir):
   """Check FP 3 - URIs.

   This check ensures that all ontology entities follow NS_LOCALID.
   Annotation properties are not checked, as many are in legacy OBO format
   and use #LOCALID. Obsolete entities are also ignored. LOCALID should
   not be semantically meaningful, therefore numeric IDs should be used.
   If the IRI start with the namespace, but does not use `_`, it will be
   added to errors. If IRI starts with NS, uses _, but does not match the
   IRI pattern with numbers, it will be added to warnings.

       robot_gateway (Gatway):
       namespace (str): ontology ID
       ontology (OWLOntology): ontology object

       INFO if ontology is None. ERROR if any errors, WARN if any warns, PASS
   if not ontology:
       dash_utils.write_empty(os.path.join(ontology_dir, 'fp3.tsv'), ["Status", "Issue"])
       return {'status': 'ERROR', 'comment': 'Unable to load ontology'}

   entities = robot_gateway.OntologyHelper.getEntities(ontology)
   error = []
   warn = []

   for e in entities:
       if e.isOWLAnnotationProperty():
           # allow legacy annotation properties

       # check if the entity is obsolete
       obsolete = False
       for ann in ontology.getAnnotationAssertionAxioms(e.getIRI()):
           if ann.getProperty().getIRI().toString() == owl_deprecated:
               # check if the entity is obsolete
               obsolete = dash_utils.is_obsolete(ann)
       # if so, just ignore it
       if obsolete:

       iri = e.getIRI().toString().lower()
       check = check_uri(namespace, iri)
       if check == 'ERROR':
       elif check == 'WARN':

   ontology_iri = dash_utils.get_ontology_iri(ontology)
   valid_iri = is_valid_ontology_iri(ontology_iri, namespace)

   return save_invalid_uris(error, warn, ontology_dir, valid_iri)

def big_has_valid_uris(namespace, file, ontology_dir):
   """Check FP 3 - URIs on a big ontology.

   This check ensures that all ontology entities follow NS_LOCALID.
   Annotation properties are not checked, as many are in legacy OBO format
   and use #LOCALID. Obsolete entities are also ignored. LOCALID should
   not be semantically meaningful, therefore numeric IDs should be used.
   If the IRI start with the namespace, but does not use `_`, it will be
   added to errors. If IRI starts with NS, uses _, but does not match the
   IRI pattern with numbers, it will be added to warnings.

       namespace (str): ontology ID
       file (str): path to ontology file
       ontology_dir (str):

       INFO if ontology IRIs cannot be parsed. ERROR if any errors, WARN if
       any warns, PASS otherwise.
   error = []
   warn = []

   prefixes = True
   header = True
   valid = False

   # prefixes
   owl = None
   rdf = None

   with open(file, 'r') as f:
       # TODO: rework to exclude deprecated classes
       for line in f:
           if 'Ontology' and 'about' in line:
               if not owl and not rdf:
                   # did not find OWL and RDF - end now
                   dash_utils.write_empty(os.path.join(ontology_dir, 'fp3.tsv'), ["Status", "Issue"])
                   return {'status': 'ERROR',
                           'comment': 'Unable to parse ontology'}

               # end prefixes
               prefixes = False
               # valid ontology to parse (found Ontology declaration)
               valid = True

               if line.strip().endswith('/>'):
                   # no ontology annotations - end header now
                   header = False

           elif prefixes and 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#' in line:
               # set the OWL prefix
               owl = dash_utils.get_prefix(line)

           elif prefixes and 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'\
                   in line:
               # set the RDF prefix
               rdf = dash_utils.get_prefix(line)

           elif header and '</{0}:Ontology>'.format(owl) in line:
               # end of Ontology annotations = end of header
               header = False

           elif not header and '{0}:about'.format(rdf) in line \
                   and '{0}:AnnotationProperty'.format(owl) not in line:
               # non-AP entity found - check the IRI
               iri = dash_utils.get_resource_value(line).lower()
               check = check_uri(namespace, iri)
               if check == 'ERROR':
               elif check == 'WARN':

   if not valid:
       # not valid ontology
       dash_utils.write_empty(os.path.join(ontology_dir, 'fp3.tsv'), ["Status", "Issue"])
       return {'status': 'ERROR',
               'comment': 'Unable to parse ontology'}

   return save_invalid_uris(error, warn, ontology_dir)

def is_valid_ontology_iri(iri, namespace):
   if iri:
       if iri == 'http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/{0}.owl'.format(namespace):
           return True
       if iri == 'http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/{0}/{0}-base.owl'.format(namespace):
           return True
   return False

def check_uri(namespace, iri):
   """Check if a given IRI is valid.

       namespace (str): ontology ID
       iri (str): IRI to check

       ERROR, WARN, or True if passing.
   pattern = iri_pattern % namespace
   if iri == 'http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/{0}.owl'.format(namespace):
       # ignore ontology IRI as it may be used in the ontology
       return True
   if iri.startswith(namespace):
       # all NS IRIs must follow NS_
       if not iri.startswith(namespace + '_'):
           return 'ERROR'
       # it is recommended to follow NS_NUMID
       elif not re.match(pattern, iri, re.IGNORECASE):
           return 'WARN'
   return True

def save_invalid_uris(error, warn, ontology_dir, valid_ontology_iri = True):
   """Save invalid (error or warning) IRIs to a report file

       error (list): list of ERROR IRIs
       warn (list): list of WARN IRIs
       ontology_dir (str):

       ERROR or WARN with detailed message, or PASS if no errors or warnings.
   # write a report (maybe empty)
   file = os.path.join(ontology_dir, 'fp3.tsv')

   with open(file, 'w+') as f:
       for e in error:
       for w in warn:

   if not valid_ontology_iri:
       o_iri_msg = "not "

   if len(error) > 0 and len(warn) > 0:
       return {'status': 'ERROR',
               'file': 'fp3',
               'comment': ' '.join([error_msg.format(len(error), o_iri_msg),
   elif len(error) > 0:
       return {'status': 'ERROR',
               'file': 'fp3',
               'comment': error_msg.format(len(error), o_iri_msg)}
   elif not valid_ontology_iri:
       return {'status': 'ERROR',
               'file': 'fp3',
               'comment': error_msg.format(0, o_iri_msg)}
   elif len(warn) > 0:
       return {'status': 'ERROR',
               'file': 'fp3',
               'comment': warn_msg.format(len(warn))}
   return {'status': 'PASS'}