Open Automated Check

Discussion on this check can be found here.


  1. The ontology must have a license both in the registry data and in the ontology file.
  2. The license must be the same in both files.
  3. The license should be one of the CC0 or CC-BY licenses.


Choosing a license

See Open Recommendations for appropriate licenses.

Adding a license to the registry data

First, read the FAQ on how to edit the metadata for your ontology. Then, add the following to your metadata file (replacing with the correct license and license label):

 label: CC-BY 4.0

Adding a license to the ontology file

See Open Implementation for details on adding license to OWL and OBO files.


The registry data entry is validated with JSON schema using the license schema. The license schema ensures that a license entry is present and that the entry has a url and label. The license schema also checks that the license is one of the CC0 or CC-BY licenses. OWL API is then used to check the ontology as an OWLOntology object. Annotations on the ontology are retrieved and the dcterms:license property is found. The python script ensures that the correct dcterms:license property is used. The script compares this license to the registry license to ensure that they are the same.

import dash_utils
import jsonschema

def is_open(ontology, data, schema):
   """Check FP 1 - Open.

   This method checks the following:
   - is the registry license present? (ERROR)
   - is the registry license a valid open license? (WARN)
   - is the ontology license present? (ERROR)
   - does the ontology license match the registry license? (ERROR)
   - does the ontology license use the correct property? (WARN)
   The registry license is checked by validation against the license schema.
   The ontology license is retrieved from the OWLOntology object.

       ontology (OWLOntology): ontology object
       data (dict): parsed ontology registry data from YAML file

       ERROR, WARN, INFO, or PASS string with optional message.

   v = OpenValidator(ontology, data, schema)

   loadable = False
   if ontology:
       loadable = True

   return process_results(v.registry_license,

class OpenValidator():
   """Validator for FP 1 - Open on OWLOntology objects.

       registry_license (str): license URL from registry data
       is_open (bool): True if registry license is CC0 or CC-BY (None if
       ontology_license (str): license URL from ontology
       correct_property (bool): True if license annotation uses the correct DC
                                licenses property (None if missing)
       matches_ontology (bool): True if registry licenses matches ontology
                                license (None if missing)

   def __init__(self, ontology, data, schema):
       """Instantiate an OpenValidator.

           ontology (OWLOntology): ontology object
           data (dict): parsed ontology registry data from YAML file

       self.registry_license = None
       if 'license' in data and 'url' in data['license']:
           self.registry_license = data['license']['url']

       self.is_open = None
       if self.registry_license is not None:
           self.is_open = check_registry_license(data, schema)

       self.ontology_license = None
       self.correct_property = None
       # set ontology_license and correct_property

       self.matches_ontology = compare_licenses(self.registry_license,

   def check_ontology_license(self, ontology):
       """Check if ontology license exists and uses correct propety.

       Retrieve the license in the header and the annotation property used.
       Set ontology_license (string or None) and correct_property (True,
       False, or None).

           ontology (OWLOntology): ontology object

       # if the ontology is missing, we could not load it
       if ontology is None:

       # search the annotations to find a license
       annotations = ontology.getAnnotations()
       license = dash_utils.get_ontology_annotation_value(annotations,

       bad_licenses = list(filter(None, [dash_utils.get_ontology_annotation_value(annotations, prop) for prop in bad_license_props]))

       if license:
           self.ontology_license = license
           self.correct_property = True
       elif len(bad_licenses) > 0:
           self.ontology_license = bad_licenses[0]
           self.correct_property = False

def big_is_open(file, data, schema):
   """Check FP 1 - Open.

   This method checks the following:
   - is the registry license present? (ERROR)
   - is the registry license a valid open license? (WARN)
   - is the ontology license present? (ERROR)
   - does the ontology license match the registry license? (ERROR)
   - does the ontology license use the correct property? (WARN)
   The registry license is checked by validation against the license schema.
   The ontology license is retrieved from the ontology file.

       file (str): path to ontology file
       data (dict): parsed ontology registry data from YAML file

       ERROR, WARN, INFO, or PASS string with optional message.

   v = BigOpenValidator(file, data, schema)
   return process_results(v.registry_license,

class BigOpenValidator():
   """Validator for FP 1 - Open on big ontology files.

       registry_license (str): license URL from registry data
       is_open (bool): True if registry license is CC0 or CC-BY (None if
       ontology_license (str): license URL from ontology
       correct_property (bool): True if license annotation uses the correct DC
                                licenses property (None if missing)
       matches_ontology (bool): True if registry licenses matches ontology
                                license (None if missing)

   def __init__(self, file, data, schema):
       """Instantiate a BigOpenValidator.

           file (str): path to ontology file
           data (dict): parsed ontology registry data from YAML file

       self.registry_license = None
       if 'license' in data and 'url' in data['license']:
           self.registry_license = data['license']['url']

       self.is_open = None
       if self.registry_license is not None:
           self.is_open = check_registry_license(data, schema)

       self.ontology_license = None
       self.correct_property = None
       # set ontology_license and correct_property

       self.matches_ontology = compare_licenses(self.registry_license,

   def check_ontology_license(self, file):
       """Check if ontology license exists and uses correct propety.

       Retrieve the license in the header and the annotation property used.
       Set ontology_license (string or None) and correct_property (True,
       False, or None).

           file (str): path to ontology file

       dc11 = None
       dcterms = None
       rdf = None
       owl = None
       prefixes = True

       with open(file, 'r') as f:
           for line in f:
               if prefixes:
                   # we need to know the prefixes
                   if '' in line:
                       dc11 = dash_utils.get_prefix(line)
                   elif '' in line:
                       dcterms = dash_utils.get_prefix(line)
                   elif '' in line:
                       rdf = dash_utils.get_prefix(line)
                   elif '' in line:
                       owl = dash_utils.get_prefix(line)
                   elif owl and '{0}:Ontology'.format(owl) in line:
                       prefixes = False
               elif '</{0}:Ontology>'.format(owl) in line:
                   # we don't care about anything outside the header
                   # if we get here, no license was found

               elif dc11 and '{0}:license'.format(dc11) in line:
                   # incorrect dc license
                   if rdf and '{0}:resource'.format(rdf) in line:
                       self.ontology_license = dash_utils.get_resource_value(
                       self.correct_property = False
                       self.ontology_license = dash_utils.get_literal_value(
                       self.correct_property = False

               elif dcterms and '{0}:license'.format(dcterms) in line:
                   # correct dc license
                   if rdf and '{0}:resource'.format(rdf) in line:
                       self.ontology_license = dash_utils.get_resource_value(
                       self.correct_property = True
                       self.ontology_license = dash_utils.get_literal_value(
                       self.correct_property = True

# ---------- UTILITY METHODS ---------- #

def check_registry_license(data, schema):
   """Use the JSON license schema to validate the registry data.

   This ensures that the license is present and one of the CC0 or CC-BY

       data (dict): parsed ontology registry data from YAML file

       True if data passes validation.

       jsonschema.validate(data, schema)
       return True
   except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as ve:
       return False

def compare_licenses(registry_license, ontology_license):
   """Compare the registry and ontology licenses.

       registry_license (str): license URL from the registry
       ontology_license (str): license URL from the ontology

       True if registry license matches ontology license;
       False if the licenses do not match;
       None if one or both licenses are missing.

   if ontology_license is None or registry_license is None:
       return None

   # normalize http vs https
   fmt_ontology_license = ontology_license.replace('https', 'http').strip()
   fmt_registry_license = registry_license.replace('https', 'http').strip()
   return (fmt_ontology_license == fmt_registry_license)

def process_results(registry_license,
   """Process the results of the validation to create a cell for the dashboard
   table in the format '{LEVEL}|{OPTIONAL MESSAGE}'.

       registry_license (str): license URL from the registry data
       ontology_license (str): license URL from the ontology
       is_open (bool): if True, license is CC0 or CC-BY;
                       if False, license is not open;
                       if None, registry license is missing
       loadable (bool): if True, ontology was loaded;
                        if False, ontology could not be loaded;
                        if None, no attempt to load was made (big)
       correct_property (bool): if True, correct DC license property was used;
                                if False, wrong DC license property was used;
                                if None, the ontology license is missing
       matches_ontology (bool): if True, the registry license matches the
                                ontology license;
                                if False, the registry license does not match;
                                if None, one or both licenses are missing

       '{LEVEL}|{OPTIONAL MESSAGE}' where LEVEL is one of PASS, INFO, WARN, or
       ERROR. The OPTIONAL MESSAGE explains the issues on a non-PASS level.

   # error messages
   missing_registry_license = 'Missing registry license.'
   missing_ontology_license = 'Missing ontology license.'
   load_err = 'Unable to load ontology.'
   not_open = 'Registry license \'{0}\' is not a valid open license.'
   wrong_prop = 'License should use property \'{0}\'.'.format(license_prop)
   no_match = 'Ontology license \'{0}\' does not match registry license\

   issues = []
   level = 'PASS'

   # loadable = None for big ontologies
   if loadable is False:
       level = 'ERROR'

   # is_open = None if missing registry license
   if is_open is False:
       level = 'WARN'

   # correct_property = None if missing ontology license
   if correct_property is False:
       level = 'WARN'

   if not ontology_license:
       level = 'ERROR'

   # matches_ontology = None if missing ontology license
   if matches_ontology is False:
       level = 'ERROR'
       issues.append(no_match.format(ontology_license, registry_license))

   if not registry_license:
       level = 'ERROR'

   if len(issues) == 0:
       return {'status': level}

   return {'status': level, 'comment': ' '.join(issues)}

# correct dc license property
license_prop = ''
# incorrect dc license properties
bad_license_props = ['', '', '']